Dental crowns and bridge services | Kanata dental clinic | Kanata highlands dental

Over a certain time, teeth may become weak and even begin to chip or crack. This not only hides the natural appearance of your smile but can interrupt you from properly chewing ability as well as makes your teeth vulnerable to further decay and damage. In scenarios where teeth are already missing, the remaining gaps and spaces may severely affect the health of remaining teeth. Our long-lasting and durable crowns and bridges can help regain the full functionality and natural beauty of your mouth.

Dental Crowns

When a tooth decays or gets damaged, we may suggest a crown or inlay. Made in a lab from fine dental porcelain, these restorations would blend seamlessly with your teeth, returning the strength that you require for convenient oral function, and bring back your beautiful and all-white smile.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are one of the convenient restorative dentistry methods available for many patients. They typically consist of two crowns placed on abutment teeth or implants on either side of a gap in the mouth, additionally to a pontic that helps join the two crowns and fill the gap. The bridge can be constructed of various materials such as gold, porcelain, silver, and porcelain-fused metals.

Dental bridges may also offer some benefits for the long-term structure of the mouth. Many patients prefer dental bridges as they like the way it feels in the mouth and their easy maintenance.

At Kanata Highlands Dental’s crowns and bridges treatment we help restore both anterior and posterior teeth.

Kanata Highlands Dental Care in Kanata offers Crowns and Bridges services to the patients. Please call us at (613) 270-1001 and book a FREE consultation with our dentist to discuss your options.



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